Step 1
Go to and enter your HCC login ID. Click "SUBMIT".

Step 2
Enter your home phone number and zip code that are on file and click "SUBMIT".
They were taken from either your application or Continuing Education registration form.
If you are a credit student and unsure what home phone number or zip code were used, please fill out this form to update your information on file.
If you are a continuing education student and unsure what home phone number or zip code were used, please fill out this form to update your information on file.
If you are an HCC employee and unsure what home phone number or zip code were used, please contact Human Resources at 443-518-1100.

Step 3
A warning message will appear saying your secret questions are incomplete. Click "CLOSE".

Step 4
Setup your secret questions. If you want to change your questions, select the pencil icon and choose a different question. Select "SUBMIT" once finished.

Step 5
Setup your password by entering it into the text fields. The password will need to meet the minimum requirements which can be found on the right side of the page. Select "SUBMIT" to finish setting up your password account.

Tried all the above, but still having issues? Click the icon below to request assistance.
HCC Login ID or Password Assistance