External Event Requests

An external event is defined as an event, program, or activity hosted by a group, organization, person, or association that is not directly affiliated with Howard Community College who requests used of HCC campus space, facilities, or other amenities for its program.  Such an event is not wholly or partially promoted or executed by HCC faculty or staff, department, or program.  The event is considered external regardless of whether HCC students, faculty, or staff have an interest in participating or attending. 


Please note that all external facilities use is subject to President’s Team approval. External groups are also subject to rental fees for the use of campus space. If the President’s Team determines that the event benefits the college (i.e. recruiting opportunities, direct benefit to students, etc.) and agrees to sponsor it internally, rental fees may be waived. Classrooms and campus space may be tentatively reserved until official approval is granted/denied.


ALL external events must be vetted through Auxiliary Services regardless if you are an HCC employee.


For more information regarding facilities use by external groups, please refer to HCC Policy & Procedure 70.01.01, or contact Auxiliary Services staff.


Dewey Grim

Director, Auxiliary Services/

External Facilities Use Manager

