Approved for All Users
The below applications have been approved for use in Teams, they can appear on the left sidebar of Teams or under the ... on the left. A quick guide including pinning an application is accessible at Pin an app for easy access in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support.
Channel Calendar
Creates an calendar for members of a Teams channel.
A quick guide can be found at Microsoft Teams Channel Calendar: The Ultimate Guide - nBold
Bing Images
Adds a Bing images search under the "+" in the teams message editor. The image will also have a link to view the original image.
Lists provides the ability to create shared lists with a variety of content, including multiple choice dropdowns, images, color and file attachments. Microsoft has a few built in templates.
This can also be connected with Forms and exported to Excel for further analysis.
Guides - A first look at Microsoft Lists ( Microsoft Lists for Beginners - Simplify Your Life ( Quickstart PowerPoint
Adds into Teams, including graphing.
Guide - Make Your Work Clear and Compelling | Better Grades With Grammarly (
Embed a onenote section in your Teams site.
Quick guide - Manage Shared OneNote in Teams – Microsoft 365 for Journalists

A simple card task board showing the planner board within Teams.
Guide - Getting started with Planner in Teams - Microsoft Support
Create a single question form for taking a poll within a Team.
Guide - Add a poll to your Teams channel or chat - Microsoft Support
Link to a folder within your Teams site, or to any Sharepoint/Employee Portal document list.
Guide - Add a SharePoint page, list, or document library as a tab in Teams - Microsoft Support

Allows for basic time management - clock in, shift swapping and offering.
Please review Microsofts training guide at What is Shifts? - Microsoft Support.
Embed and edit Visio web diagrams in Teams.
Guide - Visio as a tab in Microsoft Teams is generally available - Microsoft Community Hub
Please note some features may be limited - we do not have the higher Visio licenses.
Allows you to embed any website within a Teams channel.
Guide - How to add a website tab in Microsoft Teams.pdf (
Please note starting in Summer 2024 the below screen shots where the website is "inside" Teams will be inaccurate - Upcoming updates to loading websites in Teams tabs (
Add a tab for a Whiteboard.
Guide - Whiteboard Tab in a Microsoft Teams Channel | IT@Cornell

Approved for a subset of users
Bookings Users
Allowed access to the Bookings page within Teams.
Overview - Overview of the Bookings app in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support
Please note we do not have Teams Premium with the Virtual Appointments queue.
- Bookings and Virtual Appointments

Requesting additional apps
Please fill out the "Software Installation" request form in myTSC - Request Form - Software Installation (